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1. Welfare for the disabled

  • Approve disable handbook.
  • Life subsidy for the disabled.
  • Subsidy for the serious disabled.
  • Subsidy for the healthy insurance for the elder over 65 years old who pay the insurance by themselves.
  • Subsidy for the social insurance.
  • Subsidy for the subsidiary equipment for the disabled.
  • Subsidy for the child-care expense.
  • Subsidy for house rental.
  • To be entrusted to find a collecting post for the disabled.
  • The establishment, evaluation and encouragement of welfare institution for the disabled.
  • Guidance and management for those welfare institutions.
  • Subsidy for facilities and activities.
  • Career guidance.
  • Individual service for the disabled.
  • Assistant equipment retrieve.
  • Home care.
  • Individual service for the auditory handicap.
  • Provisional and short time care service.
  • Day-care for mentally retarded and promote and instruct for non-obstacle welfare house.
  • Action against the disobedience for protection law of the disabled.
  • Approve the license of masseur.
  • Approve the license of physical massage.
  • Approve the identification card for disable parking lot.
  • Check the qualification of selling welfare lotto (Not including aborigine).

2. Social Assistance

  • Inspect or monitor the administration affairs of the low income.
  • Subsidy for the life of the low income.
  • Subsidy for the tuition of low income.
  • Medical subsidy for the low income and those people whose income is lower than 1.5 times of the lowest living expenses.
  • The approval for the subsidy of nursing expense in hospital.
  • Subsidy for the hospital meals expense of patient with healthy insurance.
  • Help to independent living: Getting Relief money by work.
  • Subsidy for government's healthy insurance.
  • Assistance for dire circumstance: Difficult living, medical treatment of hurt or sickness, funeral expense or salvage money for travel.
  • Collecting post for vagrants.
  • Project of get rid of low income.

0206 Earthquake Post-Disaster Action Plans by the Bureau of Social Affairs, Tainan City Government.

  • Donation management: “Tainan City Government’s Management and Monitoring Approaches Guidelines of Installing an Exclusive Donation Account for the 0206 Earthquake Disaster” is stipulated; “Tainan City Government’s Management and Monitoring Committee Meetings Regarding Installing an Exclusive Donation Account for the 0206 Earthquake Disaster” are held.
  • Distribution of relief assistance and consolation payments: “Operation Guidelines of Consolation Payments Regarding the 0206 Earthquake Disaster” is stipulated to process the distribution of consolation payments to the diseased, injured, and affected households; the distribution of relief assistance payments to the diseased, severely injured, and relocating households shall be operated according to “Tainan City Government’s Disaster Relief Assistance Regulations” (the Disaster Prevention and Protection Act).
  • Medical care service: The “Implementation Plan of Subsidizing Medical Care” is stipulated to provide the victims of the disaster with subsidies regarding medical expenses, inpatient and nursing care, and other medical consumables and care supplies (e.g. assistive devices, special medical immobilization devices). Simple, living assistive devices such as regular wheelchairs, crutches, walkers, potty chairs, bath chairs, and dining plates are provided for free; paying a security deposit allows those in need to access free rental ward beds and air mattresses for one year.
  • The “Implementation Plan of Life Assistance and Care Service Subsidies to the Affected Households” is stipulated to provide urgent assistance, short-term life support, and care service subsidies to the affected people and their families, whose lives are trapped in predicament or in need of assistance due to deaths, injuries, or illnesses resulting from the earthquake
  • Besides the provision of consolations and care, consolation payments for people with physical difficulties, house-renting subsidies, educational assistance, legal aids, insurance, and holiday consolation are also provided. Regarding subsidies for house repair and property damage, several subsidy plans are stipulated as follows: “Subsidy Operations for Post-disaster Dangerous Buildings,” “Subsidy Operations for Wei-guan Building, Xin-fu Building, and Da-zhi Market,” “Subsidy Operations for Damage Loss of Constructions in Post-disaster Liquefaction Areas,” “Subsidies for Property Damages at Wei-guan Building,” “Subsidies for the Affected Households’ Property Damages at Da-zhi Market (in East District) and Xin-fu Building (in Gui-ren District),” “Implementation Plan of Subsidizing 0206-Earthquake-Caused Car/Scooter Damages,” “Subsidy Plan for Remaining Mortgage Loans of the Earthquake’s Casualties,” “Subsidy Plan for Business Loss of Stores Around Collapsed Wei-guan Building (in Young-kang District) and King’s Town Bank’s Building (in Xin-hua District),” “Business Subsidy Plan for the Collapsing Production Market (in East District) and Shan-shang Shopping Mall (in Shan-shang District),” and “Subsidy Plan for House Tax and Vehicle License Tax.” “Subsidy Plans of Purchasing Land No. 7597, Da-wan Section in Yong-kang District and of Land Value Increment Tax for Partial Affected Households at Wei-guan Building” is also stipulated to assist the reconstruction of the affected households.
  • To provide people in the disaster-stricken areas with the most immediate care and timely information of consolation, assistance, subsidy, rehabilitation, and reconstruction, the City Government mobilized 93 professional social workers during its real-time rescue and established a one-household-one-social-worker service window. It is hoped that the affected households are able to access real-time and convenient services in aspects of life, education, medical visits, and psychological consultation, and are accompanied while experiencing the impacts from the disaster. A total of 295 affected households and 488 victims have received the services.
  • To assist people who suffered from the 0206 Earthquake to return to normal daily life as soon as possible and reduce their physical and psychological pressure from the disaster, World Vision Taiwan, a juridical person, is delegated to handle the “Reconstruction Service Project for 0206 Earthquake-Stricken Families and Communities.” The Project will integrate resources of public and private sectors and use professional social workers to support the “Individualized Family Service Plan” (IFSP). The aforementioned Project will operate for three years to support and meet the needs of the affected households in aspects of physiological support, schooling, employment, competence, resource referrals, etc.

Contact Information

  • TEL:06-2982585
  • FAX:06-2983202